Search Engine Submit Free Search Engine Submission

Search Engine Submit for Your Website


You’ve probably noticed companies that will automatically do a free search engine submission of your website to hundreds of thousands of search engines.  A word of advice, don’t do it.  The reason is that there are probably about 50 of the top search engines that really make a difference.  The rest of the so called search engines I wouldn’t even worry about.

Also, you do not have to pay to submit your website for a free search engine submission.  You can do it manually, in fact, it is better that you do it yourself as it is a very simple process.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that your website is complete.  Make sure that each page of your site has a title, description, meta tags, content, pictures, if any, and the keywords that you are using for your affiliate marketing business.  Submitting to the search engines is basically easy and some what the same as submitting to a directory.

With some, all you need to input is a valid email address and the url of your website.  Others require information on your website such as, description, owner, email address and keywords.  

Submitting your website to the search engines does not mean that your website will get indexed immediately.  It also doesn’t mean that you will receive a top page rank either.  All the submission guarantees is that the search engines will have their spiders crawl your website and then the search engines will index your pages accordingly.

One more important point to add, make sure you have a site map for your website.  A site map makes it easier for the search engine spiders to crawl your website. 

You can get a free site map for your website here:  XML Site Maps

Submit your site map for google by clicking here

Below are some of the top search engines and probably the ones that you need to be concerned with, as far submitting your website.  Also, just for your own knowledge if you don’t already know it, you really don’t need to submit your website to any search engine at all.  Once your website is published and on the internet, the different search engine spiders will eventually find your website and crawl it.

Below are the three  top search engines and their address for you to submit your website.  Remember, only submit your site once, do not make the mistake of submitting over and over again.





2008 - 2011 






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