Believe it or not, you can still make money online by simply offering something for free as a giveaway on your website.  Many marketers often only think about the free gift or gifts that they have organized for their email opt in list.  Giving stuff away for free can sometimes be even more profitable, even over selling them.  Of course, many people will never understand how such a promotion as giving away stuff for free can make money online for them.

While some marketers have perfected the art of giving away free stuff and making money online doing it, others lack the creativity or the effort to add these additional items to their sites.

First of all, by giving away free stuff such as e books, videos, tutorials, e courses, articles and more.  You must keep in mind as to what your objective is by doing this.  Of course, you still want to make money online, that's a given.  But, before you can actually make money online you need several things and one of the most vital is traffic. 

Visitors who download your free gift are going to do several things from receiving your free offer.  They will either keep returning to your website, they will give your gift to others (if a license allows for it) or they will simply tell others about your site.  This in itself is valuable as you have now created a traffic generation strategy for your website. 

So, what are some ideas that you can do to make this happen?  Follow the examples outlined below to get started:

  • The easiest and most popular form of gift that you can put together yourself is an e book.  You could simply make your own e book by putting together information on topics or sub-topics of your present niche.  These could easily be content articles that you have already written or you could write them yourself or even use PLR articles to help you out.  Once you have finished putting together your book, assign a private label rights license to it that allows it to be given away for free.  This will encourage people to keep passing it along to others creating a viral impact for your e book and your website.  inside your e book you can create links back to your website or blog which will help to generate traffic for your site as well.
  • Next, you could also take the e book that you've created and add affiliate links inside along with your websites URL and make the book re-brandable.  This will also encourage others to keep circulating your book as they now have the opportunity to earn commissions from it by simply re-branding it.  Your web address inside will also be a great source for generating traffic from individuals who receive your e book and want to know more about the person that wrote it.
  • Videos and audios are a big winner on the internet today.  If you can put together a video presentation of your niche or maybe explains certain segments of it, you can than give those videos away for free.  Of course, within each video you could easily display your website address which will allow viewers the chance to visit your site after watching your videos.  The same with audios, the only difference being that you would simply mention your web URL while recording the audio.

While there may be dozens of different ideas that a person can come up with to create a product that can be given away to generate traffic, the key will be using creativity.  On top of that, you must be an action taker, someone that actually puts things in motion instead of thinking about it over and over again.  The time that you spend thinking about it you could easily come up with several different ideas and products that you could put together.  Remember, traffic is the lifeblood of any online business and for you to make money online you need to take advantage of every opportunity that can generate that traffic for you.