Using Free Article Directories To Make Money Online

Using Free Article Directories To Make Money Online 


Free article directories are nothing more than websites that store articles.  The articles are written and submitted by individuals who use them as a marketing method for their own products or websites.  Most articles utilize an author bio at the end of each article with a link to the author’s website.  Targeted readers who are interested will follow through to the author’s website and obtain additional information and increase the chances to make money online through their individual websites.


Articles will definitely help build traffic, increase your conversion rates and give you the opportunity to make money online.  Article directories help make money online for you by targeting people who are interested in knowing more about a niche product or service.  You can make money online by writing articles in such a way that capture a reader’s attention by answering their questions.  By giving tips or answering questions readers will ultimate view you as an expert with regards to the product or service that you are promoting.

If you find it difficult to write articles you can always hire a writer to do it for you.  But, before you even think about going in this direction you should at least make an attempt to write them on your own.  Many internet marketers do not like the idea of writing articles for various reasons, from criticism about their articles to not having enough researched information.

As long as you provide useful information, and at the very least do a spelling and grammar check before submitting your articles, you will be fine.  You do not have to be an expert at writing to get the full benefits of using articles and article directories.  What you do need is good content and know how to put that content into an article.  As I said most people find it hard to write articles because of the lack of researched material, this is especially true with affiliate marketers.  If you need additional material to help with your article writing than grab some private label articles.

There are five things that you need to make up the article that you will submit to the directories.  The title of your article, introduction, body, summary and your author bio information.  Most article directories will want you to add an introduction before you can submit your article. The introduction is a short description of your article and is the part that will be headlined in the directory itself.

You can make money online by utilizing article directories to submit your articles to and gain an advantage over other internet marketers.  There are hundreds of article directories that you can submit to and by doing this you can also gain valuable backlinks to your website.  The backlinks will help in your website optimization by increasing your page rank over time.

If your article answers questions or offers tips within a specified niche, other website owners within this niche will post your article on their site.  This will also give you another source for a backlink and another source to drive traffic to your site which increases your opportunity to make money online.  Using free article directories can make money online for you if you choose to take advantage of them.


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