Tips On How To Write An Article

 Tips On How To Write An Article


Before you can even think about writing an article, you must have a particular theme or niche that you can write about.  The theme or niche will be based on your website.  It can be an affiliate product or service that you are promoting, a review, or any article that is totally relevant to the topic of your site.  

Tip:  Make sure that your article adds value to your website.  Your article must be written about a topic that is relevant to your website.     Write something that will be considered interesting and provides useful information for your visitors.  

One mistake that many internet marketers make is writing their articles off topic.  It is perfectly fine to give short examples, but make sure that you stay focused with your article and keep within your website topic.  

Tip:  The only way that your articles will be found with the search engines is if you use keywords that pertain to your topic or niche theme.  These are specific keyword phrases or long tail keywords that people are actually using with the search engines to find what they are looking for.

Now, ask yourself, how can you increase the value of your website?  This can be something that involves making more money, increasing traffic to your site, or just about anything that you want.  The possibilities are endless when it comes to the value of what your website is to you.  However, it doesn’t matter how great your website is, if nobody ever sees it, your website is worthless!

Tip:  The only way for people to visit your website is if you increase the value of it.  If you have a goal to make money online with your website or increase targeted traffic, no other way is going to create the value that you need for your site, other than article content.  It is important that you remember that part. You need to do everything possible to increase the value of your site for both your visitors and the search engines.

The first step with any article that you write is to find the actual keywords that will work for you.  Instead of using one word for your keyword, which by the way will make it extremely hard for your article to get noticed.  You must find keyword phrases or long tail keywords that people use to search.  This is how you will get targeted visitors to your site.  

These keyword phrases or long tail keywords are also referred to as profitable keywords.  To find these you can purchase a

keyword software tool that will definitely help with your keyword research.  If you do not have a keyword software of your own, you can use Google adwords tool for free to help give you an indication for certain keyword usage.

However, you want to use a keyword research tool such as the one below from traffic travis that will breakdown all the elements of your long tail keywords.  This is where you actually determine ordinary keywords from the profitable keywords that you should be using.

You must also be aware that you can use many keyword phrases in your article.  Many people offer tips on how to write an article, but ultimately forget some of the processes that make them successful.  Why?  Who knows, maybe they don’t know how to effectively use article marketing to their full potential.

Tip:  Make a list of your keyword phrases or long tail keywords.  To increase traffic your articles need to be written with several of your keyword phrases.  Even though you will have one main keyword phrase with your article, this will help in capturing the attention of an assortment of traffic interested in the same niche.

The next process is to put yourself in the shoes of people who are using your keyword phrases.  Ask yourself, what they are really looking for?  You would be surprised how many people who write articles never think about this.  How do you expect your articles to help people if you don’t understand what it is they want?

Make a list of everything that you can think of that motivates people regarding their search.  Get ideas from the niche you are in and your website.  Write a list of your ideas and include your keywords with them.

Tip:  Writing articles should be fun for you.  There are many different writing styles that you can do with your articles.  The most popular article style to write is informational.  For many people, writing informational style is easier and requires less of a personal message.  The opposite of this is to write your article as a story.  This style gives the reader more of an impression that the person who wrote the article has been through the same situation or experience.  Just remember, any article that you write must always be informative to your readers.  

Now’s the time that you start writing your article.  You can use the ideas above that you put together for your keyword phrases.  Pick out several ideas and write a paragraph on each one.  Remember to include your main keyword phrase within the first paragraph and then again towards the end of your article.

Add a couple of other keyword phrases or long tail keywords in the other paragraphs.  Your visitors are searching using your keyword phrases.  When they come to your article, make sure that you provide information and solve their problems.  Your readers are looking for specific ideas or advice.  Your article should answer that for them.

Once you finish writing your article it is time to create a title for it.  Most people who write articles all the time, like me, create a title or headline before we write the article.  However, since the title is very important for your article, I prefer to show you another way to come up with an eye catching title.  

Read over your article and the ideas that you used from your keyword phrase list.  Narrow down what you think is the most popular benefit that you are giving your reader.   Once you have the direction of your title you will still need to add your main long tail keyword to it.  Also, it is very important that you remember to include your main long tail keyword in all your article titles.

Now that you have your title, you should run a spelling and grammar check of your article.  A big mistake that is made by many internet marketers is not checking for spelling mistakes.  Once that is done, you are finished with your article.

It may seem that this process takes a lot of effort and time just to write an article.  At first it will take time, especially if you have not written articles before.  However, once you repeat the process over and over again, you will eventually get better and faster at writing your articles.  If you follow tips on how to write an article, you will be able to increase the value of your website, increase traffic, and best of all, make money now.

Best to us all,

K. Ho  Traffic Travis  from for resources and information on affiliate marketing programs.





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