reciprocal link



Reciprocal Link Checker


How to use this tool

1. Enter URL link you want to search for.

2. Enter all the websites you want to check for the returning link.

3. Click "Check!" button.

The results will be shown below.

What is a Reciprocal Link?
A Reciprocal Link is a text or banner link to a external site which carries a similar text or banner link back to your own site.

A Reciprocal Link is a form of agreement; this is simply when a website links to another website aslong as the other website agrees to link back to theres. Reciprocal links increases website traffic and exposes the website to more viewers. This is beneficial for all websites with reciprocal links.



Look for URL:
(You must include http://)
Websites To Check:

(Include a URL on a new line.)
(You must include http://)

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