Digital items are very popular on the internet and include such items as; eBooks, audio tapes, videos, e-courses, membership sites, reports, tele-seminars, video conferencing, web hosting and more, but the question is "How to Make Money With Clickbank".
The largest and most popular source for internet marketers is the Clickbank marketplace for digital items and can be found at
However, besides finding some of the best products to promote and sell online, you can also use Clickbank Marketplace as a research tool.
If you have a general idea of the market that you would like to promote, you can research products in the Clickbank Marketplace based on that and narrow down a product list that you can focus on.
For instance, if we used the example “baby products”, we can match the best products that are in demand for that market and the ones that will have the highest yield to build our marketing campaigns around.
Now, how to make money with Clickbank is easy simply by joining Clickbank as an affiliate which is simple and free. The process like I said, is simple, just enter your name, email, physical address and than confirm this information and you are ready to go. During the sign up process you will also be asked for an affiliate nickname, which is basically your affiliate ID. Your affiliate nickname can be anything, just make sure that it reflects your image, after all, it will be visible to anyone when they click on your link.
Login to your account and choose settings and scan towards the bottom of the page, you want to look for payment threshold. This is the amount that you want them to hold until payment is made to you. At the same time you also choose your payment method.
Everyone who first starts out with Clickbank will be paid by check and this will continue until you have received 3 checks. After you have received your third check you can than select direct deposit to your bank.
Another process that you should be aware of after joining Clickbank is that everyone must have 3 individual sales with credit cards other than their own. This is basically a process to stop other people from joining Clickbank just to buy products for themselves using their affiliate links and getting the discount on products.
In your Clickbank account under the reporting tab section you will notice something that looks like this example:
$ 37.00 CDR
The CDR simply stands for Customer Distribution Requirements and this is informing you that more individual sales or transactions are required.
Now, the following are helpful terms that you need to be aware of while researching products in the Clickbank marketplace:
- $/Sale = this is what you would make per sale
- Future $ = this tells you of future commissions based on recurring billing
- Total $/Sale = this totals the instant and any future commissions which gives you the average sale and your commissions
- %/Sale = this is the percent of each sale that you make and what you get as a commission
- %/Refd = this is the percentage for total sales for the product that affiliates have made
- Grav - This is probably the one that you want to pay attention to the most. This is called the Clickbank gravity and basically represents the total number of affiliates who have made a sale with this particular product during the previous 30 day period.
The gravity of the product will tell you how popular it is over a given period of time. Each time a product is sold or another affiliate uses the link to sell the product, the gravity will change. The higher the gravity, the more popular the product is.
Take a moment and watch these free instructional videos which give a basic description of how to sign up and use Clickbank to make money online.
Clickbank Video Series #1
2008 - 2012